Friday, January 23, 2009

Possible Last, last, last LAST Minute Show and Album Progress....

so...we may be playing tuesday with dc band, anchorage. gabe recently started playing bass with them and i really dig their stuff. also, tom hnatow plays pedal steel with them and that guy is phenomenal (he also plays from time to time with my cousin, laura burhenn). but anyway ,at this point, it's up in the air, so i wouldn't really expect it to work out. if it doesn't, we'll get some other shows lined up fairly soon. at the moment, recording is taking up all of my time.

speaking of which....things are going really well with the record. i've already six songs mostly tracked. let's hope the next 4 or 5 songs go as smoothly.

**UPDATE: the show will go on. tuesday. iota. 8pm. $10.


Anonymous said...

Awesome that the show worked out...can't wait to play with you guys.

mike said...

likewise, my friend. here's to hoping people brave the snow and come out. this town can get pretty stupid when snow comes into play.